Thank you for stopping by our sales page.
This page is in the process of being generated and will be available as soon as I have uploaded all of the images with their size options and prices.
In the meantime, all of the images are available by contacting me on the contact page and indicating an image that is of interest to you.
The finished prints will be printed on either 8 1/2" x 11" (letter size) or 17" x 22" with the image size dependent on the actual image and will have a 1" - 2" white surround. The images can be printed on either an archival matte paper or an archival luster paper.
The prices for the prints are the following: 8 1/2"x11" = $100 and the 17"x22" = $250. Purchasing three items at the same time will allow you to pick a fourth image of the same size or smaller at no additional cost.
Shipping will be a flat $10.00 which will include the photos packaged in a clear archival sleeve and placed in a tube for its protection.
Thank you for your interest in the images and I look forward to hearing from you.
Jeffrey Du Flon